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Male » Female » Youth »
10 Trg Bn Reme (Seme) » | Prince Philip Barracks, Bordon, Hampshire Adult Male | A.F.C. Bedfont Green » | Clockhouse Lane, Ashford, Surrey Adult Male | A.F.C. Richmond » | Park Road, Off Hounslow Road, Hanworth Adult Male | A.F.C. Teddington » | Adult Male | Afc Crondall » | Adult Male | Afc Hampton » | Kempton Avenue, Sunbury-On-Thames, Middlesex Adult Male | Afc Hawley » | Adult Male | Afc Heathrow » | Hattow Road, Bedfont, Middlesex Adult Male | Afc Lambourne (Elms) » | Hampton, , Middlesex Adult Male | Aldershot Boys & Girls Youth » | Male, Female, U15, U14, U13, U12, U11, U9, U8, U7 | Aldershot Spartans » | Guilford Road, Aldershot, Hampshire Adult Male | Aldershot Town Fc » | Ebb Stadium, High Street, Aldershot Adult Male, Adult Female | Aldershot Wanderers » | Adult Male | Army Sport Control Board » | Clayton Barracks, Thornhill Road, Aldershot Adult Male | Ash United Youth » | Youngs Drive, Shawfields Road, Ash Male, U18, U14, U13, U11 | Athletico Pathetico (Elms) » | Hanworth Road, Hampton, Greater London Adult Male | Azadagan » | High Street, Cranford, Hounslow Adult Male | Badshot Lea » | Cherrywood Road, Farnborough, Hampshire Adult Male | Badshot Lea Colts » | The Green, Off Badshot Lea Road, Badshot Lea Male, Female, U16, U15, U14, U13, U12, U11, U10, U9, U8, U7 | Banter Central » | Trenham Drive, Warlingham, Surrey Adult Male | Barnslake » | Riverside Drive, Ham, Middlesex Adult Male | Beacon Hill Juniors » | Cricket Close, Off Tilford Road, Hindhead Male, Female, U12, U11, U10, U9, U8, U7 | Beaulieu Girls » | Chandlers Lane, Yateley, Hampshire Female, U15 | Beaulieu Youth » | Male, Female, U18, U15, U14, U12, U11, U10, U9, U8, U7 | Bedfont » | Adult Male, Adult Female | Bedfont Sports Club » | Bedfont Fc, Hatton Road, Bedfont Male, U18 | Bedfont Sports Girls » | Hatton Road, Bedfont, Hounslow Female, U15, U13, U12, U11 | Beehive (Aldershot) » | Adult Male | Bell On The Green Sunday » | High Street, Cranford, Middlesex Adult Male | Bentley » | Chawton Park Road, Alton, Hampshire Adult Male | Bluacre » | Woodplace Lane, Coulsdon, Surrey Adult Male | Brent » | Boston Gardens, Brentford, Middlesex Adult Male | Brentford » | Griffin Park, Braemar Road, Brentford Adult Male | Brentford (Youth) [Middlesex Parent] » | Braemar Road, Brentford, Greater London Male, Female, U18, U16, U14, U13, U12, U11, U10, U9 | Brentford Community Sports Trust » | Adult Male | Brentford Community Sports Trust Youth » | Whitton Dene, Isleworth, Middlesex Male, U18, U16 | British Airways » | Crane Lodge Road, Cranford, Middlesex Adult Male | British Airways (Midweek) » | Crane Lodge Road, Cranford, Middlesex Adult Male | British Airways (Womens) » | Crane Lodge Road, Cranford, Middlesex Adult Female | British Airways Flight Deck » | Crane Lodge Road, Cranford, Middlesex Adult Male | Brunswick » | Boston Gardens, Brentford, London Male, Female, U18, U14, U13, U12, U11, U10, U9, U8 | Burymead Youth » | Shaftsbury Road, Bisley, Woking Male, U15, U13 | Camberley Cougars » | Kennals Lane, Southwood, Hampshire Adult Male | Camberley Town (U18) » | Krooner Park, Camberley, Surrey Male, U18 | Camberley Town Girls » | Park Road, Camberley, Surrey Female, U18, U16, U15, U14, U13 | Camberley Town Youth » | Park Road, Camberley, Surrey Male, Female, U18, U17, U16, U15, U14, U13, U12, U11, U10, U9, U8, U7 | Cardinal Manning Old Boys » | Boston Gardens, Brentford, Middlesex Adult Male | Caterham Old Boys » | White Knobs Way, Caterham, Surrey Adult Male | Chiswick Albion » | Bedfont Fc, Hatton Road, Bedfont Adult Male | Christchurch Roxeth » | Boston Gardens, Brentford, Middlesex Adult Male | Christian Club Woking » | Wishbone Way, Goldsworth Park, Woking Adult Male | Churches Of Spelthorne United » | Manor Lane, Sunbury On Thames, Middlesex Adult Male | Colne Valley Ladies » | Bryony Way, Sunbury, Surrey Adult Female | Concorde Juniors » | Crane Lodge Road, Cranford, Middlesex Male, Female, U16, U13, U11, U9 | Coptic Pharaohs » | Off Coombe Road, Purley, Croydon Adult Male | Corinthian Guildford » | Busbridge Lane, Godalming, Surrey Adult Male | Coulsdon » | Adult Male | Cove Athletic » | Adult Male | Cove Manor » | Adult Male | Crookham Rovers » | Adult Male | Croydon Athletic (Youth) » | Mayfield Road, Thornton Heath, Croydon Male, Female, U18, U16, U15, U13, U12, U11, U10, U9, U8, U7 | Croydon Borough Girls » | 282 Limpsfield Road, Warlingham, Surrey Male, Female, U18, U15, U14, U13, U12, U11, U10 | Croydon Independiente » | Shelton Avenue, Warlingham, Surrey Adult Male | Croydon Postal » | Trenham Drive, Warlingham, Surrey Adult Male | Cultural » | 245A Tamworth Lane, Mitcham, Surrey Adult Male | Curley Park Rangers » | Whitmoor Road, Lightwater, Surrey Male, Female, U18, U17, U16, U15, U14, U13, U12, U11, U10, U9, U8, U7 | Curley Park Rangers (Seniors) » | The Country Park, The Avenue, Lightwater Adult Male | Curley Park Rangers Girls » | Whitmoor Road, Lightwater, Surrey Female, U15, U13, U11 | Dees » | Tamworth Lane, Mitcham, London Adult Male | Diamond » | 15 Church Road, Whyteleafe, Surrey Adult Male | Duke Of York » | Adult Male | Duke Street Baptist Church » | Twickenham Road, Richmond, Greater London Adult Male | E.A. Sports » | Onslow Village, Guildford, Surrey Adult Male | Egham Sports » | Vicarage Road, Egham, Surrey Male, U15 | Egham Town Youth » | Runnymede Stadium, Tempest Rd, Egham Male, Female, U17, U16, U13, U11, U10, U9 | Elm Tree » | Adult Male | Elmwood Royals » | Hounslow Road, Hanworth, Hanworth Adult Male | F.C. Camberley » | Adult Male | F.C. Porto Of London » | Tamworth Lane, Mitcham, London Adult Male | F.C. Shepperton » | Bishops Duppas Park, Shepperton, Middlesex Adult Male | Farleigh Foxes » | Harrow Road, Farleigh, Warlingham Male, U12 | Farleigh Youth » | Harrow Road, Farleigh, Warlingham Male, U15 | Farnborough Youth » | Male, Female, U18, U17, U13, U12, U11, U10, U8, U7 | Farnham United Girls » | Monkton Lane, Weybourne, Farnham Male, U14 | Fc Swan » | Dodsley Lane, Easebourne Adult Male | Feltham Lions » | Feltham Comm College, Browells Lane, Hounslow Adult Male | Feltham Bees Disabled Sports Club Youth » | Browells Lane, Feltham, Hounslow Male, U16, U12 | Feltham Garrison » | Elmwood Avenue, Feltham, Middlesex Adult Male | Feltham Saints » | Browells Lane, Feltham, Middlesex Male, U17 | Feltham Sunday » | Glebelands, Hounslow Road, Feltham Adult Male | Feltham Youth » | Glebelands, Hounslow Road, Feltham Male, Female, U17, U16, U15, U14, U13, U12, U11, U10, U9, U8, U7 | Fitzwilliam Old Boys » | Twickenham Road, Richmond, Greater London Adult Male | Fleet Town Youth » | Crookham Road, Fleet, Hampshire Male, U18 | Follyhill Rangers 94 » | Adult Male | Follyhill United 1994 » | Adult Male | Forum Flyers » | Adult Male | Freedom Spartans Athletic » | Weybourne Road, Aldershot, Hampshire Adult Male | Frimley Community Centre » | Adult Male | Frimley Falcons » | Frimley Green Road, Frimley Green, Camberley Adult Male | Fulwell City » | Powdermill Lane, Whitton, Middlesex Adult Male | Genesis » | Highbury Avenue, Thornton Heath, Surrey Male, Female, U12, U11, U10, U9, U8 | Gentleman Jim » | Chawton Park Road, Alton, Hampshire Adult Male | Gg United » | Hounslow Road, Hanworth, Middlesex Adult Male | Godalming Town » | Wey Court, Meadrow, Godalming Adult Male | Godalming Veterans » | Busbridge Lane, Godalming, Surrey Adult Male | Golden Lion » | Dunmail Drive, Honister Heights, Purley Adult Male | Golden Lion Veterans » | Aldershot Park, Aldershot, Hampshire Adult Male | Goldsworth Park Rangers » | Wishbone Way, Goldsworth Park, Woking Adult Male | Gomshall Rams » | Male, U11 | Grange Park » | Coulsdon Road, Old Coulsdon, Surrey Adult Male | Grayshott » | Beechhanger Road, Grayshott, Surrey Adult Male | Grosvenor House » | Boston Gardens, Brentford, Greater London Adult Male | Guildford & Waverley Revolutions » | Ludlow Road Resouce Centre, Ludlow Road, Guildford Adult Male | Guildford City Boys And Girls » | Worplesdon Road, Guildford, Surrey Male, Female, U15, U14, U13, U12, U11, U10, U9, U8, U7 | Guildford City Lion » | Male, U18 | Guildford Railway Club » | Recreation Road, Guildford, Surrey Adult Male | Guildford Saints Boys » | Horseshoe Lane East, Guildford, Surrey Male, Female, U16, U15, U14, U13, U12, U11, U10, U9, U8, U7 | Hale Rovers » | Wings Road, Hale, Farnham Adult Male | Hammersmith Town Old Boys » | High Street, Cranford, Middlesex Adult Male | Hampton Corinthians » | Dean Road, Hampton, Middlesex Adult Male | Hampton Rangers Juniors » | Hatherop Road, Hampton, Middlesex Male, Female, U15, U13, U11, U10, U9 | Hamsey Rangers » | 192 Limpsfield Road, Warlingham, Surrey Adult Male | Hamsey Rangers Youth » | 192 Limpsfield Road, Warlingham, Surrey Male, Female, U16, U15, U13, U12, U11, U10, U9, U8, U7 | Hanworth Park » | Browells Lane, Feltham, Hounslow Adult Male | Hanworth Villa Midweek » | Rectory Meadow, Park Road, Hanworth Adult Male | Hanworth Villa Youth » | Park Road, Off Hounslow Road, Hanworth Male, U15, U14, U12 | Haslemere Town Girls » | Camelsdale, Haslmere, Southwick Female, U17, U15, U13 | Hawley Raiders Youth » | Hawley Green, Fernhill Road, Blackwater Male, Female, U13, U12, U11, U10, U9, U8, U7 | Hearts Of Teddlothian » | Buckingham Road, Hampton, Hampton Male, Female, U16, U15, U14, U13, U12, U11, U10, U9, U8, U7 | Heath Old Boys » | 282 Limpsfield Road, Warlingham, Surrey Adult Male | Heatherside Galaxy » | Camberley, Surrey Adult Male | Herat » | High Street, Cranford, Hounslow Adult Male | Hounslow Borough Ladies » | Wood Lane, Isleworth, Middlesex Adult Female | Hounslow Colts » | Thornbury Avenue, Osterley, Middlesex Male, U13 | Hounslow Hawks » | Wood Lane, Isleworth, Middlesex Adult Male, Adult Female | Imperial College Sch Of Medicine » | Udney Park Road, Teddington, Teddington Adult Male | Indian Gymkhana (Saturday) » | Thornbury Avenue, Osterley, Middlesex Adult Male | Isledon Wolves Youth » | Twickenham Road, Isleworth, Greater London Male, U16, U14 | Jawananee Maihan » | High Street, Cranford, Hounslow Adult Male | Jolls Legends » | Adult Male | Junior Allstars » | High Street, Cranford, Middlesex Adult Male | Junior Bees » | 190 Wills Crescent, Whitton, Hounslow Male, Female, U17, U16, U15, U14, U12, U11, U10, U9, U8 | Juniorshots Youth » | Junior Soccer Centre, Aldershot Town Fc Ltd., Aldershot Male, U15, U14, U13, U12 | Keephatch Park » | Wokingham Adult Male | Kerria Knights » | Trenham Drive, Warlingham, Surrey Adult Male | Kew A.F.C. » | Riverside Drive, Ham, Greater London Adult Male | Kew Association Youth F.C. » | Riverside Drive, Ham, Greater London Male, U18, U14, U13, U12 | Kew Park Rangers » | Male, Female, U18, U17, U16, U15, U14, U13, U12, U11, U10, U9 | Lampton Park » | Lampton Avenue, Hounslow, Middlesex Adult Male | Langdon Park » | Hattow Road, Bedfont, Middlesex Adult Male | Letef Select » | Guilford Road, Aldershot, Hampshire Adult Male | Lightwater United » | The Country Park, The Avenue, Lightwater Adult Male | Liphook United » | London Road, Liphook, Hampshire Adult Male, Adult Female | Longford Athletic » | High Street, Hounslow Adult Male | Maiwand » | Adult Male | Marble Hill Park » | Richmond Road, Twickenham, Middlesex Adult Male | Meadhurst Sunday » | Chertsey Road, Sunbury On Thames, Middlesex Adult Male | Merton Galaxy » | Adult Male | Mgc (Elms) » | Hanworth Road, Hampton, Hampton Adult Male | Mid-Day Sun » | Shelton Avenue, Warlingham, Surrey Adult Male | Middlesex County Football League » | Adult Male | Middlesex Wolves » | Browells Lane, Feltham, Hounslow Adult Male | Midhurst & Easebourne Youth » | Rotherfield, Dodsley Lane, Midhurst Male, Female, U18, U13, U12, U11, U10, U9 | Milford & Witley » | Milford Heath Road, Milford, Surrey Adult Male | Milford Green » | Milford Heath Road, Milford, Surrey Adult Male | Mitcham Imperials » | Steers Mead, Off Lavender Avenue, Mitcham Male, U15 | Mytchett Athletic Ladies » | Sturt Road, Frimley Adult Female | N/Cle Univ. Garnett Fc » | Adult Male | New Life » | Farnborough Ave, South Croydon, Croydon Adult Male | Oakhill United » | 192 Limpsfield Road, Warlingham, Surrey Adult Male | Old Carthusian » | Godalming, , Surrey Adult Male | Old Coulsdon Colts » | Drive Road, Off Tollers Lane, Old Coulsdon Male, Female, U17, U16, U15, U14, U13, U12, U11, U10, U9, U8, U7 | Old Isleworthians Youth » | Wood Lane, Isleworth, Middlesex Male, Female, U18, U16, U13, U11, U10, U9, U8, U7 | Old Southall » | High Street, Cranford, Hounslow Adult Male | Old Whitgiftians » | Croham Manor Road, Croydon, London Adult Male | Old Wokingians » | Loop Road (B381), Woking, Surrey Adult Male | Pacific Sporting Jubilee (Psj) » | Adult Male | Pacnet » | Wheatsheaf Lane, Staines, Middlesex Adult Male | Parkway » | High Street, Cranford, Middlesex Adult Male | Petersfield Town Youth » | Love Lane, Petersfield, Hampshire Male, U18, U17 | Phoenix » | Bedfont Road, Lower Feltham, Greater London Adult Male | Phoenix Athletic F.C » | Shelton Avenue, Warlingham, Surrey Adult Male | Pirbright Sports » | Recreation Road, Guildford, Surrey Adult Male | Pollards Hill Ll » | Male, Female, U13, U10 | Popesgrove » | Richmond Road, Twickenham, Middlesex Adult Male | Queens Park » | Queens Park Road, Caterham, Surrey Male, Female, U15, U14, U12, U11, U10, U9, U8 | Ramblers (Pitch Invasion) » | Hanworth Road, Hampton, Greater London Adult Male | Real Merton » | Adult Male | Red Lion Feltham » | Browells Lane, Feltham, Hounslow Adult Male | Regents Park Rangers » | Hurlingham Road, Hammersmith, London Adult Female | Rh123 Athletic » | Queens Park Road, Caterham, Surrey Adult Male | Rifleman (Elms) » | Hampton, , Middlesex Adult Male | Rileys » | Adult Male | Rileys Rba » | Adult Male | Rising Sun » | Stanwell Road, Ashford, Middlesex Adult Male | Rma Sandhurst (Ps) » | Haig Road, Camberley, Surrey Adult Male | Rose & Thistle » | Watchetts Drive, Camberley, Surrey Adult Male | Royal Holloway Old Boys » | Nobles And East Fields, Prune Hill, Egham Adult Male | Royal Holloway University Of London Womens » | Nobles And East Fields, Prune Hill, Egham Adult Female | Rushmoor Community Youth » | Grasmere Road, Farnborough, Hampshire Male, Female, U17, U15, U14, U12, U11, U9, U8, U7 | Rushmoor Sunday » | Chaucer Road, Farnborough, Hampshire Adult Male | S.I.B. » | Wheatsheaf Lane, Staines, Middlesex Adult Male | Sa Stainash » | Off Green Lane, Datchet, Berkshire Adult Male | Saints Athletic » | Steeles Road, Aldershot, Hampshire Adult Male | Sandhurst Sports » | Memorial Park, Yorktown Road, Sandhurst Adult Male | Sandhurst Town Boys & Girls » | Memorial Park, Yorktown Road, Sandhurst Male, Female, U17, U16, U15, U14, U13, U12, U11, U10, U9, U8, U7 | Sandrock » | Adult Male | Selsdon » | 282 Limpsfield Road, Warlingham, Surrey Adult Male | Selsdon Junior » | 282 Limpsfield Road, Warlingham, Surrey Male, Female, U17, U16, U15, U13, U12, U10, U9, U8, U7 | Selsdon Rangers » | Lime Meadow Avenue, Sanderstead, Greater London Male, U15, U14 | Sheen Park Rangers » | Twickenham Road, Richmond, Greater London Adult Male | Shelton Athletic Ladies » | Shelton Avenue, Warlingham, Surrey Female, U16, U15 | Southall Rangers » | High Street, Cranford, Middlesex Adult Male | Southwood Eagles » | Adult Male | Spartan Casuals » | Church Lane, Warlingham, Surrey Adult Male | Spelthorne Rangers » | Manygate Lane, Shepperton, Middlesex Adult Male | St Margarets » | Richmond Road, Twickenham, Middlesex Adult Male | Staines Lammas Youth » | Kempton Avenue, Sunbury, Middlesex Male, Female, U17, U16, U15, U14, U13, U12, U11, U10, U9, U8, U7 | Steamers » | Recreation Road, Guildford, Surrey Adult Male | Steve Beeks Soccer School » | Kingston Road, Staines, Surrey Male, U18, U15, U13, U11 | Sunbury Athletic » | Adult Male | Sunday Social » | High Street, Hounslow, Middlesex Adult Male | Sunday Warriors » | Browns Lane, Effingham, Effingham Adult Male | Sunningdale » | Vicarage Road, Egham, Surrey Adult Male | Surrey Athletic » | Wishbone Way, Goldsworth Park, Woking Adult Male | Surrey Saints » | Shelton Avenue, Warlingham, Surrey Adult Male | Thames Bank Dynamoes » | High Street, Cranford, Middlesex Adult Male | Thames Club Fc » | Wheatsheaf Lane, Staines, Middlesex Adult Male | The Bell Inn » | Potley Hill Road, Yateley, Hampshire Adult Male | The Royal Standard » | Adult Male | The Three Kings » | Broom Road, Teddington, Middlesex Adult Male | Thornton Heath Rovers » | Tamworth Lane, Mitcham, London Adult Male | Traco Athletic » | Weybourne Road, Aldershot, Hampshire Adult Male | Transit Transport » | 190 Wills Crescent, Whitton, Twickenham Adult Male | Twickenham Tigers » | Egerton Road, Twickenham, Middlesex Male, Female, U10 | Tws » | Browells Lane, Feltham, Hounslow Adult Male | Vet Star » | Richmond Road, Twickenham, Middlesex Adult Male | Wallington Wanderers Youth » | Purley Way, Croydon, London Male, U17, U15, U14, U13, U12 | Walton Casuals Juniors FC » | Waterside Stadium, Waterside Drive, Walton on Thames Male, Female, U18, U17, U16, U15, U14, U13, U12, U11, U10, U9, U8, U7 | Wandle Rovers » | Trenham Drive, Warlingham, Surrey Adult Male | Wandsworth Borough Police » | Imber Court Sports Ground, Ember Lane, East Molesey Adult Male | Watchetts » | Adult Male | Watchetts » | Adult Male | Wayfarers » | High Street, Cranford, Middlesex Adult Male | West End Village » | Benner Lane, West End, Woking Adult Male | West London Youth » | Browells Lane, Feltham, Middlesex Male, Female, U13, U10 | West Thames College » | Thornbury Avenue, Osterley, Middlesex Adult Male | Westfield (Youth) » | Off Elmbridge Lane, Kingfield, Woking Male, U18 | Wey Valley Youth » | Mill Chase Road, Bordon, Hampshire Male, Female, U18, U17, U16, U15, U14, U13, U12, U11, U10, U9, U8, U7 | Wheatsheaf Heatherside » | Cumberland Road, Camberley, Surrey Adult Male | Whitton Wanderers Youth » | Lampton Aveue, Hounslow, Middlesex Male, Female, U16, U13, U12, U11, U10, U9, U8 | Whyteleafe Sports » | 282 Limpsfield Road, Warlingham, Surrey Adult Male | Whyteleafe Youth » | 15 Church Road, Whyteleafe, Surrey Male, Female, U18, U17, U16, U15, U14, U13, U12, U10, U9, U7 | Windlesham United Youth » | Kennel Lane, Windlesham, Surrey Male, Female, U17, U14, U13, U12, U11, U10, U9, U8, U7 | Woking » | Kingfield Stadium, Kingfield Road, Woking Male, U19 | Woking College » | Rydens Way, Old Woking, Woking Adult Male | Woking Community » | Kingfield Stadium, Kingfield Road, Woking Adult Male | Woking Cougars Girls » | Benner Lane, West End, Woking Male, Female, U16, U14, U12, U10 | Woking United Sports Club Youth » | Wishbone Way, Goldsworth Park, Woking Male, U17, U16 | Woods Afc » | Adult Male | Yateley Youth » | Chandlers Lane, Yateley, Hampshire Male, Female, U16, U14, U13, U12, U11, U10, U9, U8, U7 |
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Football News
» Arsenal news: Gunners target hints at exit as new transfer chief identifies three signings Mikel Arteta's Arsenal face a home game against Fulham to kick-start their Premier League season after the international break - and there's still plenty to play for as they look to keep their faint title hopes alive and progress in Europe » Man Utd news: 'Worst trainer' called out as Red Devils chief targeted by rivals Manchester United have been training over the international break in preparation to face Nottingham Forest, while Newcastle are interested in hiring the club's chief operating officer » Oliver Glasner shuts down FA Cup theory after guiding Crystal Palace to semi-finals Goals from Eberechi Eze, Ismaila Sarr and Eddie Nketiah fired Crystal Palace to a 3-0 victory in the FA Cup quarter-finals over Fulham at Craven Cottage » Eddie Howe makes new promise to Newcastle fans after finally ending trophy wait Newcastle manager Eddie Howe, his players and staff were lauded by an estimated crowd of 300,000 as they paraded the Carabao Cup on Saturday » Pep Guardiola snaps back in awkward interview as he defends Man City style Manchester City beat Bournemouth 2-1 to reach the semi-finals of the FA Cup for the seventh year in a row, with Erling Haaland and Omar Marmoush scoring after Evanilson gave the Cherries the lead » Jurgen Klopp desperate to avoid repeating Liverpool mistake in surprise plan Jurgen Klopp missed out on signing Jude Bellingham when he was in charge of Liverpool, but he could help RB Leipzig sign the England international's younger brother Jobe » Matheus Cunha's release clause revealed as Arsenal and Liverpool put on red alert Matheus Cunha is set to have a host of teams chasing his signature this summer after publicly stating his desire for a new challenge - and the Wolves star is said to have a £62.5million release clause » Man Utd's 5 potential replacements for Bruno Fernandes as Real Madrid eye huge move Bruno Fernandes is gaining interest from Real Madrid amid claims he could leave for £90million this summer and Manchester United could soon have to start planning for their captain's succession in the event he leaves Old Trafford » Arsenal step up Viktor Gyokeres chase with two preferred targets proving problematic Arsenal are looking to sign a new striker in the summer and Andrea Berta, who has replaced Edu as the Gunners' sporting director, is said to be a big fan of Viktor Gyokeres » Pep Guardiola hit with touchline ban and discovers Man City game he'll miss Manchester City manager Pep Guardiola will not be on the touchline for his side's Premier League clash against Leicester on Wednesday after he was booked in their FA Cup win against Bournemouth » Roy Keane blasts Erling Haaland AGAIN after infamous 'League One player' jibe Erling Haaland scored in Manchester City's 2-1 win over Bournemouth that saw them reach the FA Cup semi-finals, but earlier in the game he missed two great chances - one of which was from the spot - earning the wrath of Roy Keane » Man City show glimpses of past and future as Pep Guardiola's reaction speaks volumes BOURNEMOUTH 1-2 MANCHESTER CITY: Pep Guardiola's men came from behind to win at the Vitality Stadium after goals from Erling Haaland and Omar Marmoush booked a seventh straight FA Cup semi-final » Liverpool star wanted by Everton as David Moyes weighs up shock transfer swoop Everton will face Liverpool in the Premier League next week, but the Toffees also have their sights set on one of their rivals' top young players ahead of the summer transfer window » Arsenal targets expressed same Mikel Arteta concern as Gunners appoint new sporting director Arsenal have finally ended their four-month search for a new sporting director after appointing Andrea Berta, but before his arrival there was reportedly concern from other candidates that they wouldn't be given enough power » Fuming Roberto De Zerbi LOCKS Marseille players in training ground overnight after defeat Marseille were beaten 3-1 by Reims on Saturday and manager Roberto De Zerbi refused to let his players go home after the defeat, reportedly locking them in the training ground » Ruben Amorim's Marcus Rashford mistake becomes clearer as ex-teammate shares theory Aston Villa boss Unai Emery has managed to get much better performances out of Marcus Rashford than Ruben Amorim did at Manchester United and Joe Hart believes he is getting better coaching instructions » Man City stars fume with Bournemouth players after Erling Haaland injury scare Erling Haaland was forced off with an injury in Manchester City's FA Cup quarter-final with Bournemouth after hurting his ankle in a heavy fall in a challenge with Lewis Cook » Unai Emery discusses sending Marcus Rashford back to Man Utd - 'Don't want to waste time' Marcus Rashford scored his first two goals for Aston Villa to guide his loan club past Preston North End and into the semi-finals of the FA Cup on Sunday afternoon » Ian Wright and Roy Keane slam 'pathetic' decision which marred FA Cup tie Bournemouth star Milos Kerkez missed the Cherries' FA Cup quarter-final match against Manchester City through suspension, but ITV pundits Ian Wright and Roy Keane felt » Wayne Rooney wees against wall in front of passers by on trendy London street Wayne Rooney was spotted urinating against a wall after a night out in London's Marylebone and Mayfair following his work as a pundit for BBC Sport on the FA Cup » Marcus Rashford aims subtle dig at Ruben Amorim after Aston Villa heroics in FA Cup Marcus Rashford netted twice as Aston Villa eased past Preston to reach the semi-finals of the FA Cup on Sunday - and the Manchester United loanee was clear on what has changed » Marcus Rashford finally has his swagger back as Aston Villa star sets the record straight PRESTON NORTH END 0-3 ASTON VILLA: Marcus Rashford bagged his first goals since moving to Villa Park on loan to send Unai Emery's men through to the FA Cup semi-finals » Rio Ferdinand could LEAVE TNT Sports at end of season as Man Utd legend eyes huge move Rio Ferdinand, the former Manchester United and England defender, could be moving on from TNT Sports at the end of the season - with the pundit exploring other options » FA Cup semi-final draw completed as remaining four clubs discover Wembley ties Aston Villa, Crystal Palace, Nottingham Forest and Manchester City are all still in the competition ahead of the semi-finals on April 26 and 27
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Pep Guardiola said Manchester City had recovered some of their missing heart and soul as they advanced to a seventh FA Cup semi-final in a row with a 2-1 win at Bournemouth. The City manager, whose team have been drawn to face Nottingham Forest, relied on what he called his “legendary” players – Kevin De Bruyne, Bernardo Silva and Ilkay Gündogan – in his side’s win on the south coast. Continue reading... » Beth Mead’s double inspires Arsenal to emphatic WSL win at Crystal Palace
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Championship perennials are beige down to their signature snack but their existence is still something to savour The man behind the counter at Greggs on Fishergate has never heard of a butter pie, but try Poundbakery over the street. Poundbakery doesn’t do butter pie, but try Greenhalgh’s on the corner. Greenhalgh’s: closed on Sundays. The chip shop on Market Street does meat pie, meat and potato, steak, steak and kidney, chicken and mushroom, cheese and onion. Butter pie? A shake of the head. You’ve got to try the butter pie. That’s what everyone says the first time you visit Preston. It was created in industrial times, for the largely Catholic working population to eat on Fridays when meat was forbidden. Often you hear it described as a “delicacy”, but even this is to overstate its intensely yeoman nature. It’s layers of potatoes, onions and butter in a pie. It’s cheap. It’s hearty. It’s unpretentious. It exists to be consumed and then immediately forgotten. It is – with deepest apologies – the very embodiment of Preston North End in comestible form. Continue reading... » European football: Loftus-Cheek has appendix surgery before Milan defeat
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- Former Atlético Madrid executive is replacement for Edu
- ‘I cannot wait to get started in my new role’
Arsenal have confirmed the appointment of Andrea Berta as their new sporting director, with the Italian expected to attend their game against Fulham on Tuesday as he begins his new role immediately. Berta emerged as Arsenal’s leading candidate to replace Edu who resigned from the post in November to join the network of clubs spearheaded by Evangelos Marinakis, the Nottingham Forest owner. Berta left Atlético Madrid in January after 12 years in the Spanish capital and has been credited with being behind a string of successful signings including Jan Oblak (€4m from Benfica in 2014) and Rodri (€25m from Villarreal in 2018). Continue reading... » Sam Kerr avoids Football Australia sanction as path cleared to retain Matildas captaincy
- ‘Additional context’ not in public sphere helps inform FA’s decision
- Striker included in training squad for South Korea friendlies
Matildas striker Sam Kerr will be free to return as national team captain once she recovers from her serious knee injury after the Football Australia board decided on no further sanctions for her drunken night during which she verbally abused a London police constable. The 31-year-old will continue her recovery in camp with the Matildas for the April matches against South Korea, but has not been cleared for a return to competitive football. Continue reading... » Marcus Rashford ends drought as Aston Villa sink Preston to reach semi-finals
Marcus Rashford ended a four-month goal drought to put Aston Villa one step closer to wiping out a 68-year dry spell with his double against Preston helping book a Wembley semi-final as the victors look to win their first FA Cup since 1957. Rashford is a reigning Cup winner, lifting the trophy last May to help extend Erik ten Hag’s stay at Manchester United, but that success did little to reignite either’s Old Trafford career. The 27-year-old has improved at Aston Villa after leaving behind his home town malaise but everyone has been waiting until now for him to deliver goals to remind everyone of his key purpose on a pitch, these his first since 1 December. Continue reading... » Steve Evans sacked by Rotherham after 4-0 home defeat to Crawley
- Evans departs with Millers 16th in League One table
- Manager feared ‘credit has run out’ after Saturday’s loss
Steve Evans has been sacked as manager of Rotherham after Saturday’s 4-0 home defeat to Crawley, the League One club have announced. “Rotherham can confirm that, following a meeting between the chairman and manager this morning, the club have parted company with first team manager Steve Evans together with Paul Raynor, Gary Mills and Ian Pledger, with immediate effect,” a club statement said. Continue reading... » Guardiola’s masterstroke pays off as O’Reilly energises Manchester City | Ben Fisher
Young substitute’s dynamic contribution turns tie around with commanding performance against Bournemouth The moment that flipped Manchester City’s FA Cup quarter-final at Bournemouth on its head initially went largely unnoticed. As players made a beeline for the tunnel and supporters headed into the concourses loaded with orders for beers, burgers and hotdogs, Pep Guardiola had issued an instruction that would ultimately define this match and earn City passage to a seventh successive semi-final. As everyone else headed in, his longtime fitness coach, Lorenzo Buenaventura, rushed on to the pitch with a single mission: prime Nico O’Reilly for business. The 20‑year-old from Failsworth, a few miles north of Manchester, ditched the tracksuit top and was quickly put through his paces. O’Reilly would not depart quite so quietly. Continue reading... » WSL roundup: West Ham’s Martinez snatches point as Chelsea’s lead is cut
- Hammers end champions’ Kingsmeadow winning run
- Manchester United keep European hopes on course
Chelsea’s lead at the Women’s Super League summit was cut to six points after West Ham ended the Blues’ season-long winning streak at Kingsmeadow in thrilling fashion. Sonia Bompastor’s side looked to be cruising to victory when Maika Hamano’s volley and Aggie Beever-Jones’s delicate finish put them two up after 21 minutes. Continue reading... » How Manchester City and the league locked horns in a financial scandal … in 1906
Premier League champions’ charges could be seismic but are not unprecedented after two major illegal payment sagas in English football There is a sense that the 130‑plus Premier League charges Manchester City are facing are unprecedented, and in terms of the potential fallout that may be true. City have the wealth and, it seems, the will to pursue extraordinarily costly legal action. If they are found guilty – and it should be stressed that they deny all charges – the implications for the club and the league could be seismic. But the charges are not unprecedented. Twice before in the 150‑year history of English football, clubs have faced major investigations into illegal payments. Both had hugely significant consequences for the clubs involved. Continue reading... » ‘It’s a battle for football’: Manchester United and FC United fans unite against Glazers
- Protest staged at FC home game against Stockton
- Sit-in demonstration to be held at Manchester derby
FC United of Manchester and The 1958, a Manchester United fan group, held a joint action against United’s 20-year Glazer ownership, with The 1958 announcing it will stage a sit-in at next Sunday’s derby with Manchester City at Old Trafford. Around 200 FC and United supporters gathered at Broadhurst Park before FC hosted Stockton Town in the Northern Premier League Premier Division. Outside the ground, flares were let off in the red of FC and United along with green and yellow ones, the colours of Newton Heath, United’s original name. Anti-Glazer chants and songs were sung by fans, with one displaying a flag that showed an image of the former United forward, Eric Cantona, and the legend “Eric the King”. Continue reading... » Quiz: test your knowledge of English football’s weird and wonderful mascots
Do you know your Moonchester from your Gunnersaurus? If so, this quiz on football’s furry friends is for you Continue reading... » Newcastle revels in silverware success as history boys parade Carabao Cup
Historic celebrations are held in the city centre and Town Moor as Ant and Dec among famous fans to join the party An explosion of sheer joy following a lifetime’s worth of disappointment? A not so subtle expression of soft Saudi Arabian power? A wonderful example of the synergy between a city and its football club? Or a Sunderland supporter’s worst nightmare? Saturday’s celebrations on Newcastle’s Town Moor staged to commemorate Eddie Howe’s team’s Carabao Cup triumph against Liverpool at Wembley two weeks ago was all those things and much, much, more. Continue reading... » Manchester City enter Last Dance era under Guardiola with FA Cup in sights
Some players’ futures are in doubt but beating Bournemouth could help those they leave behind Pep Guardiola is a basketball aficionado and has often been seen courtside in America trying to learn from one of the world’s most intense sports. The Manchester City manager holds Michael Jordan in high esteem and it feels as if the next two months may be the club’s version of the basketball legend’s Last Dance documentary for some of their senior players. The FA Cup is the NBA championship for those wondering where they may start next season. City face a second trip of the season to Bournemouth, where their 32-match unbeaten run ended in November, hoping to reach a semi-final at Wembley for the seventh successive year. Guardiola and his side have barely recovered since losing Rodri, City’s Jordan according to his coach, and a second defeat by Andoni Iraola’s men on Sunday would remove any chance of a trophy for the Spaniard and his ageing charges this season. Jordan was asked for one great final year with the Chicago Bulls. Guardiola, who regards the Club World Cup as the start of the 2025-26 campaign, needs two months from his creaking squad. Continue reading... » FA Cup goes back to the future as Nottingham Forest do a FAR Rabat | Jonathan Wilson
After Exeter and Ipswich, Nuno’s team became the first to win a third consecutive penalty shootout in Cup history Even as modern life takes over, history is everything in the FA Cup. The competition’s newfound disdain for replays allowed Nottingham Forest to become the first team to win three consecutive FA Cup penalty shootouts. History was made, novelty was witnessed, but in a setting that emphasised the traditions of the grand old Cup. After Exeter and Ipswich, fell Brighton, and so Forest matched the feat of the Moroccan army side FAR Rabat, who beat MC Oujda, Wydad Casablanca and Rachad Bernoussi on penalties in successive rounds to win the Coupe du Trone in 2007. It was a game characterised by caution, reflecting both Forest’s habitual preference for a low block and Brighton’s wariness after losing 7-0 to Forest last month. But it also perhaps reflected how much both sides cared, a welcome, if retro, feature of the latter stages of the FA Cup this season. Continue reading... » European football: PSG smash six to all but secure fourth consecutive title
- Ligue 1 leaders trounce Saint-Étienne 6-1
- Harry Kane scores as Bayern battle past St Pauli
Paris St Germain coach Luis Enrique wants the club to keep their focus on domestic and European titles despite all but securing a fourth consecutive Ligue 1 crown. PSG thrashed relegation-threatened Saint-Étienne 6-1 to virtually assure themselves of a second straight title under the Spaniard. Only Monaco have a mathematical chance to overhaul them after their 2-1 win over Nice left them 21 points behind PSG with seven games to play. Continue reading... » Matheus Cunha: ‘All we want in life is affection – Wolves gave me back that joy’
Brazil striker may be on the move this summer but after a troubled journey he has found happiness at Molineux Matheus Cunha’s time at Wolverhampton Wanderers may be coming to an end but the Brazilian forward will never forget his time with the club. He says he was reborn and “recovered his joy” there after two difficult years and the frustration of not being selected for the 2022 World Cup. With 13 goals this season, Cunha is three away from scoring the most by a Brazilian in a single Premier League campaign. The record of 15 is jointly held by Roberto Firmino (for Liverpool in 2017-18) and Gabriel Martinelli (for Arsenal in 2022-23). Clearly Cunha has left behind the sadness of his time at Atlético Madrid and the 25-year-old speaks warmly about the new life he has found in a new country and the gratitude that has comes with that. Continue reading... » With elite Eberechi Eze, Crystal Palace will be a match for any team at Wembley | Barney Ronay
Maverick attacker seemed utterly in control as he produced two stunning moments of skill to decide Cup quarter-final Play at Wembley. Score at Wembley. Score again. Go back to Wembley again. Yeah. Did I mention Wembley? Eberechi Eze has had a fairly decent last five days of his footballing life, bookended here by a performance of supreme incision on a crisp, boisterous day in south-west London, when he was the very obvious point of difference between Crystal Palace and Fulham. Not just in his numerical contribution to Crystal Palace’s 3-0 win: a jaw-dropper of an opening goal, all thrilling, controlled power; followed by a proper, actual high-skill assist. But also in terms of style and a Palace system that leans right into its own strengths when all the parts function like this. Continue reading... » Infantino’s $1bn prize: act of commercial disruption disguised as benevolence | Barney Ronay
Fifa president’s talk of the Club World Cup promoting access and equity is simply double-think to disguise another land grab It takes a while for the voice to emerge from the background haze, a mist of generically noodling electronic music, the kind of music that comes filled with a comforting sense of death, hold music from the executive euthanasia clinic. Finally the voice emerges, whispering through your headphones in that familiar rich, reverent Euro-tone, like being spoken to by the sun. This is a voice that says: I am here to command. But I am also just a conduit for a divinity that flows through me and into you. Although mainly, and let’s be absolutely clear, through me. Continue reading... » Golden Goal: Kevin Campbell for Everton v Liverpool (1999)
The late, great striker entered Goodison folklore with the winning goal in an Anfield Merseyside derby I didn’t have a great time at university. Academically it was fine – got in, got a 2:1 in history and got out – but socially I struggled. There were various reasons for that, a fair few of which were definitely my fault. Like joining zero societies. Like joining the uni magazine but writing zero articles for it. And like what happened on my first night there. It was about 6pm on Monday 27 September 1999 and I was back in my dorm after registering for my courses, checking out the library and buying my first pint of milk and loaf of bread from the campus shop. Suddenly there was a knock at the door. It was Daniel, the lad from the next room, and he was standing alongside two girls I’d never seen but who were really attractive. Continue reading... » Grealish, Wilshere and Van Gaal’s ‘kiss’: Newcastle’s parade has a lot to live up to
Eddie Howe’s team will celebrate their Carabao Cup win on Saturday but there can be pitfalls along the way When the celebration of Newcastle’s first trophy in decades became a point of heated civic discussion, it served as a reminder that party planning can be problematic. “Extensive work and long-term planning behind the scenes have continued with Newcastle City council, Northumbria police, Freemen of Newcastle, the North East Combined Authority, NE1, Nexus and the emergency services,” groaned a club statement this week, ending fevered speculation that Saturday’s ticketed, controlled event on the Town Moor would be the only place to see Eddie Howe, Dan Burn et al show off the Carabao Cup and/or thank Yasir al-Rumayyan for the Saudi Arabian riches that funded success. Continue reading... » Millie Bright: ‘I’m really proud of Lucy Bronze for sharing her story’
Chelsea and England defender on the power of football and praise for her teammate for talking about her ADHD and autism diagnosis “When you experience the things we have in the women’s game, it does open your eyes to the struggles of others,” says Millie Bright. “It makes you more aware of all kinds of different barriers people might face. You really appreciate the struggles that people have to go through and the constant barriers and battles that have to be fought every single day just to exist. Literally just to exist. You’re not asking to be better than anyone, you’re just asking to exist and be able to do what you love doing, whatever that is, in sport or beyond sport; things that are just part of living a full life, and everyone deserves a full life.” The Chelsea and England defender is sitting in the small stand at Cobham FC’s brilliantly named Leg O’Mutton Field talking about the power of football. Last year Bright was back in Killamarsh, the village in north-east Derbyshire where she grew up, visiting the “Millie Bright pitch” at her childhood club, Killamarsh Juniors. The club had previously benefited from Football Foundation funding. Since then, 30 3G pitches dedicated to prioritising women’s and girls’ football that have received funding via the Premier League, the Football Association and the government-backed Football Foundation’s Lionesses Futures Fund. Continue reading... » ‘Getting worse’: former Afghanistan captain’s anger at state of football in homeland
Against a backdrop of Taliban rule and corruption claims against FA president, Zohib Islam Amiri sees demoralisation setting in When Zohib Islam Amiri came back to play in Afghanistan in January for the first time since 2010, he was hoping to make a difference. “I wanted to try to give some of the young Afghan kids some inspiration,” he says. “But as soon as I got there it was clear that things were even worse.” Amiri, who made his international debut as a 15-year-old in 2005 before serving as captain for more than a decade, became the first Afghanistan player to move overseas when he joined Mumbai in 2011. The defender’s return to play for Abu Muslim in the Afghanistan Champions League – a competition set up in 2021 when the Taliban regained power – was never intended to be the end of his career. But having seen his side crowned champions after a controversial 8-0 victory amid allegations of match-fixing, Amiri decided enough was enough. Continue reading... » Barcelona crush Wolfsburg in Women’s Champions League to make semi-finals
Barcelona remained on course for a third straight Women’s Champions League title after routing Wolfsburg 6-1 in the second leg of their quarter-final. Salma Paralluelo and Clàudia Pina each scored twice as Barcelona reached the semi-finals 10-2 on aggregate. Barça have scored a total of 35 goals in eight games in the competition this season. Continue reading... » Mika Biereth: the Londoner who keeps scoring hat-tricks in Ligue 1
The Denmark striker – who played for the Chelsea, Fulham and Arsenal youth teams – is thriving at Monaco By Get French Football News “We understood that if we didn’t take the decision in the winter, in the summer, it would potentially be too late,” says Monaco CEO Thiago Scuro. There was a sense of “now or never” about the signing of Mika Biereth from Sturm Graz in January and, with the Danish international scoring 11 goals in his first nine Ligue 1 games, it is certainly an opportunity the club are happy they seized. That “now or never” feeling characterises Biereth’s whole career. “He had the bravery to go to Scotland, then Austria and now France and that is what shows he wants to be the best. He has to be playing to prove that,” says his mentor, Ian Wright. Biereth has grasped every chance he has been given along a path that has led him away from Arsenal and into Monaco’s grateful arms. Continue reading... » Former Brazil footballer Dani Alves has rape conviction quashed after appeal
- Ex-player was initially sentenced in February 2024
- Court rules unanimously that conviction was unsafe
The former Brazil international Dani Alves has had his conviction for rape overturned on appeal. In February 2024, a court sentenced Alves to a minimum sentence of four years and six months for the rape of a 23-year-old woman in a Barcelona nightclub in December 2022. As he had already spent more than a year on remand, Alves was released under legal supervision shortly afterwards. Continue reading... » Bayern Munich consider legal action against Canada Soccer over Davies injury
- Davies tore ACL during Nations League third-place game
- Club executives demand ‘full investigation into events’
Bayern Munich are considering legal action against the Canadian soccer federation after Alphonso Davies sustained a serious knee injury in the Concacaf Nations League third-place playoff on Sunday.
“We’re demanding a full investigation into the events from Canada Soccer and expressly reserve the right to take legal action,” the Bayern chief executive, Jan-Christian Dreesen, told the German newspaper Bild on Friday. Davies tore his anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) and sustained other damage to his right knee during Canada’s 2-1 win over the United States. The full-back returned to Munich where the full extent of the injury was determined and “will be out for several months”, according to his club.
Bayern Munich are alleging that Canadian officials did not provide appropriate care for the player by starting him in “a match of no sporting significance”. Both teams had lost in the tournament semi-finals, Canada beaten by eventual winners Mexico and the US losing to Panama.
“Sending a clearly injured player with a damaged knee on a 12-hour flight without a thorough medical assessment is, in our view, grossly negligent and a clear breach of medical duty of care,” Dreesen said. “The participation of Davies, who already had muscular problems before the game, in a match of no sporting significance is incomprehensible from our point of view.” Continue reading... » David Squires on … a tribute to Jackson Irvine as told by the Socceroo’s arm tattoos
Our cartoonist looks at the midfielder’s creative ideas and inspirations that are leading Australia closer to the 2026 World Cup Continue reading... » Fifa closes on recognising Afghanistan women’s team but players say it is too late
- Team closer to representing country four years after exile
- Players express frustration at Fifa’s slow progress
Fifa has cleared the way for the exiled Afghanistan women’s national team to represent the country but has been criticised for moving too slowly, four years after players fled the country when the Taliban returned to power. Football’s global governing body said it was committed to supporting players outside Afghanistan and would organise training camps, provide staff (including qualified coaches and technical and medical staff) and coordinate friendly matches. Continue reading... » Raúl Jiménez used his Fulham form to revitalize Mexico in Nations League
The striker is in the middle of his best club season since a traumatic injury, and his national team is benefitting Watching him score dazzling free kicks, pull off handsprings and other acrobatics in his goal celebrations, and lift the trophy for best player in the Concacaf Nations League Finals, it is easy to forget Raúl Jiménez ever suffered a serious injury. Or that less than five years ago, there were questions about if he would ever play again. Yet there Jiménez was, with two goals in Mexico’s semi-final against Canada and another two in the final against Panama, joking about enjoying a few tequilas in celebration of El Tri’s first-ever Nations League triumph. A sleek headband is the only visible reminder of his November 2020 collision with Arsenal’s David Luiz – an incident that fractured his skull and caused a brain bleed, and which could have cost him his life without the proper and timely medical interventions he received. Continue reading... » Mehdi Taremi key on and off field to Iran’s World Cup knockout dream
Striker is an outspoken talisman who will have to be at his best if national side are to get out of group stage in 2026 Mehdi Taremi was born 10 days after Son Heung-min, in July 1992, but in terms of the global reputations of these Asian attackers, the Iranian striker has consistently lagged much further behind his South Korean counterpart. The Internazionale marksman has, however, been a more effective performer for his national team. As Son and his teammates huffed and puffed to a 1-1 draw with Jordan on Tuesday – a third successive stalemate in an easier World Cup qualifying group – Taremi scored twice in a 2-2 draw with Uzbekistan to secure a fourth successive World qualification for his country. Continue reading... » Gareth Southgate rails against rise of ‘callous toxic' role models for young men – video
Sir Gareth Southgate has expressed his concern that 'callous, manipulative and toxic influencers' are taking the place of traditional father figures in society and contributing to mental health issues among young men. He believes the decline in communities and a lack of mentors – or 'father figures' – are causing more young men to become reluctant to talk or express their emotions. Southgate voiced concern that 'this void is filled by a new kind of role model who do not have their best interest at heart'. Continue reading... » Newcastle United win Carabao Cup to end 70-year trophy drought – video
Newcastle United beat Liverpool 2-1 at Wembley Stadium to win the Carabao Cup final. Goals from Dan Burn and Alexander Isak gave Newcastle a two-goal lead before Federico Chiesa scored a late consolation for Liverpool. The Newcastle manager Eddie Howe said: "With such a long wait for a trophy, this will be a day that I'm sure everyone will never forget." More than 32,000 Newcastle fans made the journey to Wembley and they celebrated the victory into the night. Continue reading... » Slot takes pride in Liverpool's display after Champions League exit to PSG – video
While Liverpool boss Arne Slot called the team's exit from the Champions League a shock, he took solace in losing to an excellent Paris Saint‑Germain team in a wildly entertaining two-legged tie that needed a penalty shootout to decide the outcome. In what Slot labelled 'the best game of football I've ever been involved in', PSG beat Liverpool 4-1 in a shootout to advance to the quarter-finals, winning Tuesday's second leg at Anfield 1-0 thanks to a goal from Ousmane Dembélé. Continue reading... » 'What a moment': Paul Merson’s son scores 'outrageous' non-league goal – video
Sam Merson, son of the former footballer Paul Merson, scored an 'outrageous' goal for Hanworth Villa against Farnham Town. Merson's goal opened the scoring in the game which ultimately ended 1-1 Continue reading... » Time is not on Tuchel’s side to raise England’s tempo before the World Cup | Jacob Steinberg
New head coach must find a way to focus Jude Bellingham and bring Premier League style to international stage Thomas Tuchel does not have time on his side after opting not to oversee England’s Nations League games in November. He has looked to hit the ground running, just as he did when he won the Champions League four months after joining Chelsea, but building rhythm in international football is not easy. The players are not around for long and some games drift into irrelevance. Tuchel has started with two straightforward wins but neither set the pulse racing. The awkward reality is that qualification lacks jeopardy these days. Continue reading... » The Kings and I: Puma’s classic boots beckon me back from brief Umbro betrayal | Max Rushden
I thought: new football boots, new me, but it didn’t work out … and then a special edition of my favourites came on the market There is something indescribably beautiful about finding a pair of football boots that fit you perfectly. It is like Cinderella’s glass slippers – your foot just slides in, the instep and arches ensconced in the cushioning – or putting Excalibur back in the stone. Until you go out on the pitch, anything is possible. That boot for me is the Puma King. To be clear, this isn’t an advertorial – Herr Puma hasn’t given me a brown envelope, or a free pair. They are just the boots that fit. If I had slightly narrower feet and there’s no doubt I would be in the pocket of big Copa Mundial. Continue reading... » Why the double standards on ‘leadership’ when it comes to Black players? | Jonathan Liew
Jordan Henderson is a great leader for England. But he has been encouraged and applauded for the very same acts for which minority ethnic players are castigated and stigmatised How shall I lead thee? Let me count the ways. I lead thee by stepping up and being vocal, around the dressing room, setting standards in training. I lead thee quietly by example, you know, the not-much-of-a-shouter‑and-a-screamer-but-when-he-speaks-people-listen kind. I lead thee by having been there, done that, won everything in the game. I lead thee by never backing down from a challenge. I lead thee by sheer gravitas. By any of these measures, Jordan Henderson is a leader. He was a leader for Liverpool, raising standards and setting the tone for 12 golden years. He was a leader for the NHS and the LGBTQ+ community off the field. He was still a leader when he left Liverpool and moved to Saudi Arabia in an attempt to create – in his words – “positive change” in the country for his beloved LGBTQ+ constituents. Continue reading... » Football Daily | Wrighty, Ceefax and trilbies: join us for an FA Cup journey back in time
Sign up now! Sign up now! Sign up now? Sign up now! Grab your tinfoil trophy, rattle and big rosette, because the Proper FA Cup is back! We’re at the quarter-final stages, and things look very different this year with most of the usual suspects having already crashed out. Manchester City are the obvious playground bullies – although in their current state, the kind who can be seen off with a swift kick in the swingers. Still, even if we disregard the three FA Cups won in their Abu Dhabi era, City are still the most recent winners. So without further ado, let’s climb into the time machine and revisit each team’s Cup highlights ... “I left 40 degrees in Rio to go to -5 … the first time I trained I couldn’t finish the session because I was too cold. When I finished I would put my hands in like boiling water because they were almost frozen” – Evanilson tells Ben Fisher about his journey from Brazil to Bournemouth, via Slovakia and Portugal. Continue reading... » The Knowledge | Which international fixture would be worth the highest score in Scrabble?
Plus: managers sacked just before cup finals, and teams with goal differences higher than their league position - Mail us with your questions and answers
“Uzbekistan are playing Kyrgyzstan in a World Cup qualifier this Thursday,” notes Ben Jones. “Is this fixture the highest combined Scrabble score for a pair of Fifa nations? Bosnia and Herzegovina might have something to say, but I’m looking for a combined score from two teams who have actually played each other.” Uzbekistan (25 Scrabble points) beat Kyrgyzstan (30) 1-0 to close in on a first-ever World Cup qualification – and Ben’s question inspired a flurry of tile-totting emails. Before we dive in, some ground rules. To try and keep things relatively simple, we’ll stick with the country names in English that are used by Fifa. So no long official names eg ‘Kingdom of …’ – and we’re using the English language Scrabble scoring system. Iran v Laos (last played in 2004) is the lowest Scrabble score for an international fixture, notes Andrew Hastie. Pete Tomlin suggests Venezuela v Brazil (38pts) as South America’s highest-scoring fixture, and New Zealand v Papua New Guinea (45pts) for Oceania. Chris Roe adds that in English football, Sheffield Wednesday v Wolverhampton Wanderers is worth 75 points, opening a whole new can of worms. Continue reading... » Manchester City’s Kerolin: ‘I have this big dream of being the best player in the world’
Brazilian followed her heart with a move across the Atlantic to the WSL in January and has already had a big impact Kerolin joined Manchester City from North Carolina Courage in January and last week showed everyone exactly why she made the move. On the biggest stage in European football, the Champions League, the Brazilian produced the performance of her City career so far to help set up a 2-0 quarter-final first leg win against Chelsea. Kerolin was a constant thorn in Chelsea’s side throughout the game and provided the assist for one of Vivianne Miedema’s two goals to set up a tantalising scoreline before the return leg at Stamford Bridge on Thursday. This is an extract from our free weekly email, Moving the Goalposts. To get the full edition, visit this page and follow the instructions. Moving the Goalposts will be published twice a week from next week. Continue reading... » Wales leave it late and farewell to Trent Alexander-Arnold – Football Weekly Extra
Max Rushden is joined by Philippe Auclair, Robyn Cowen and Will Unwin to wrap up the international break Rate, review, share on Apple Podcasts, Soundcloud, Audioboom, Mixcloud, Acast and Stitcher, and join the conversation on Facebook, Twitter and email. On the podcast today; Elis James reports from a hotel bed in North Macedonia as Wales get a late injury-time equaliser. The team wrap up the rest of the international break as Argentina hammer Brazil and what are the implications of countries like Iran qualifying for a tournament in Donald Trump’s America? Continue reading... » David Squires on … Thomas Tuchel adapting to life in the impossible job
Our cartoonist on the German’s winning start and the scrutiny that comes with being England’s new head coach Continue reading... » Women’s Super League: talking points from the weekend’s action
Chelsea’s ‘aggressivity booster’ makes mark, Manchester United close on Champions League and Arsenal hit heights The Everton manager, Brian Sørensen, said his team would hunt down the clubs above them after a third win in five WSL matches moved them 10 points clear of the relegation zone. Everton were bottom in November and Sørensen says they will continue to look up after beating Crystal Palace 3-0. “We’ve been fighting for our lives for the last one and a half seasons, in terms of our squad and availability, and always every game was: ‘OK, which 11 players do we have?’ Whereas now, we have a squad. We can sit down and say: ‘what does the end of the season look like?’ We’re not far from the teams above us, so it’s hunting season now.” TG Continue reading... » Chelsea and City trade blows and a new era of seven-a-side – Women’s Football Weekly
Faye Carruthers is joined by Suzy Wrack, Jamie Spangher and Chris Paouros to discuss a dramatic week for in the women’s game On this week’s Guardian Women’s Football Weekly: the panel revisit the double header between Manchester City and Chelsea as the two teams went toe-to-toe twice in four days. Vivianne Miedema starred in a Champions League win for City before Chelsea struck back in the WSL. With the two sides preparing to meet again in midweek, the panel assess the balance of power. It was a mixed week for Arsenal after their Champions League loss to Real Madrid on a poor pitch and a dominant win over Liverpool at the Emirates. Meanwhile, the WSL relegation battle heats up with Leicester edging Brighton and Everton crusing past Palace. Plus, the panel asks Chris Paouros why Tottenham can’t score goals after Spurs faltered away at West Ham. Continue reading... » Quiz: which teammate was first to join these Premier League goal celebrations?
Name the players who initially took part in – or tried to stop – the below iconic moments. We’ve provided as much help as possible … Continue reading... » The mystery and mathematics of Pelé’s disputed 1,000th goal
On 19 November 1969, the Brazil legend sparked wild celebrations with the 1,000th goal of his career – but it may have been scored five days earlier It was 14 November 1969. For the world’s greatest player, it wasn’t the best penalty. More an untidy scuff into the bottom corner. But it was enough for Pelé and his Santos team to open the scoring in a 3-0 friendly win over lowly Botafogo da Paraiba. More importantly, it marked the great man’s 999th senior goal. Or did it? Five days later, Santos travelled to Rio de Janeiro to face Vasco da Gama in a cup game and it seemed as if the entire nation was jammed into the cavernous Maracanã to witness a piece of football history. Despite a tropical rainstorm, every TV station, radio network and newspaper elbowed their way along the touchline waiting for the magic moment to happen. Continue reading... » The game that set Gary Lineker on the path to global superstardom
England were misfiring in Mexico but, as Chris Evans recalls in his biography of the striker, one match can change everything for a team and its star The browbeaten striker looked forlornly to the floor, the whistles of derision ringing in his ears. The stadium may only have been partially full of travelling England fans but the seething frustration was unmistakable as their emotion poured on to the pitch. Lining the sparse terraces draped in union flags, the ragtag collection of supporters – many of them shirtless – got as close to the pitch as possible to spew their thoughts at their own players. Continue reading... » Mariona Caldentey: ‘One day we’ll realise what we achieved, all we did for change to come’
Arsenal’s Spanish forward on fighting to win support for women’s football, leaving a successful Barcelona team and the stress of winning the World Cup When Mariona Caldentey was a student, reading sports science at university, she could see the Camp Nou scoreboard from her bedroom window on the top floor of 63 Travessera de les Corts. On the nights when she and her flatmates didn’t stroll across to the stadium, they would hear goals before they saw them on TV. They played too, becoming league champions, but never imagined themselves over there. “Our reality was Astroturf pitches with no stands,” she recalls. Yet in April 2022, eight years on, 91,648 people came to watch them, breaking Barcelona’s own world record set a fortnight before. “It all happened so quick; one day we’ll realise what we achieved, all we did for change to come,” she says. Continue reading... » Real Madrid open up old Liverpool wounds with Alexander-Arnold move | John Brewin
Defender’s expected transfer will put him alongside Owen and McManaman as Reds unable to resist the Bernabéu That Liverpool to Real Madrid is a regular trade route will do little to douse the rage Trent Alexander-Arnold’s expected move to the Spanish capital has caused. That Madrid are Liverpool’s nemesis in terms of European Cup/Champions League wins and, in recent years, two finals of that same competition, will hardly sweeten the pill, either. If Steven Gerrard resisted such temptations, feted forebears and contemporaries were tempted and succumbed. The aristocratic hubris of Madrid has regularly robbed Liverpool of its prime talents. Not just those loved and lost. Jude Bellingham might be two years into his Anfield career by now, such a plan mooted in Liverpool’s front office, only for him to opt for the Bernabéu. Continue reading... » The 100 best male footballers in the world 2024
Rodri has beaten Vinícius Júnior and Erling Haaland to top our ranking of the most talented players in the world this calendar year Continue reading... » Rodri stands tall on top of the world after year of glory and pain
The Manchester City midfielder becomes the sixth player to top our ranking of the world’s best 100 male footballers One of the worst things about seeing Rodri in agony on the pitch against Arsenal in September – and the subsequent news that he had ruptured an anterior cruciate ligament – was that in the buildup to the injury he had criticised the workload being put on players. It was as if he knew something bad was about to happen. In April, after an epic 3-3 draw at Real Madrid the Manchester City and Spain midfielder said: “I do need a rest.” He added: “Let’s see how we speak, how we live the situation. Sometimes it is what it is. I need to adjust. It [rest] is something we are planning, yes.” Continue reading... » The 100 best female footballers in the world 2024
Aitana Bonmatí finishes top of our rankings for a second consecutive year, with Caroline Graham Hansen second and Sophia Smith third Continue reading... » Aitana Bonmatí on top of the world again but England close gap on Spain
The Spanish midfielder wins for a second consecutive year on a fast-moving list that sees 15 players appearing for the first time Aitana Bonmatí emulates her Barcelona and Spain teammate Alexia Putellas and takes back-to-back wins in the Guardian’s 100 best female footballers in the world list. The double Ballon d’Or winner received votes from all 99 of this year’s judges, finishing 667 points clear of her club teammate Caroline Graham Hansen, the Norwegian climbing to her highest ranking after a superb individual year for both club and country. Continue reading... » Next Generation 2024: 60 of the best young talents in world football
From Franco Mastantuono to Estêvão, we select some of the most talented players born in 2007. Check the progress of our classes of 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 … and look at the editions from further back Continue reading... » Next Generation 2024: 20 of the best talents at Premier League clubs
We pick the best youngsters at each club born between 1 September 2007 and 31 August 2008, an age band known as first-year scholars. Check the progress of our classes of 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 … and look at the editions from further back Continue reading... » Next Generation 2023: 60 of the best young talents in world football
From Warren Zaïre-Emery to Endrick, we select some of the best players born in 2006. Check the progress of our classes of 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 Continue reading...